You Only Need to Realise It One Time…

Mark Whitwell
5 min readDec 1, 2021


I maintain there is nothing to be attained. You are the power of the cosmos arising as a pure intelligence and unspeakable beauty. That is a fact. | Mark Whitwell | Heart of Yoga

You only need to realise one time that you are indeed the power of the cosmos arising as a pure intelligence. And that the way your body is functioning is the wonder of existence itself.

You only need to realise one time that you are unspeakable beauty. And the same beauty that is everywhere in the natural world is also you and me — we are of the natural world, are we not?

You only need to realise one time that you are in an intrinsic perfect harmony with the cosmos: with air, light, green, water, sun, moon, and all yet unseen powers of life. This includes the inherent male-female harmony as equals and opposites, with each empowering the other as the nurturing, regenerative force of Reality Itself.

You only need to realise one time that you belong here like everything else that Mother Nature brings through. That you have as much right to be here as the beautiful tree you can see in your backyard, simply because you are life on earth.

You only need to realise one time that you are a flower blooming in your own garden. That nature does not work in models of sameness. That there is only one of you in the universe. And you are here to enjoy your utterly unique life.

You only need to realise one time that there are no steps to be taken. That “Truth is a pathless land,” as J. Krishnamurti declared. That you do not have to realise God, because God has realised you.

How finely tuned we are to the perfect harmonies of the cosmos. We are in the humming sweet spot that the sitar player slides their note up into, slides into the ocean of infinity and swims there | Mark Whitwell | Heart of Yoga

Only once do these facts need to be felt. Having seen the facts of existence, what you are instructed to do by the wisdom traditions of humanity is to respond those facts via a simple Yoga practice that is perfectly suited to who you are: your body type, age, health, and culture, your absolute uniqueness.

Yoga evolved in the culture of Veda as the easy means for any person to participate in the power, intelligence, harmony and unspeakable beauty of the cosmos.

If we have experienced a flash of inspiration, or if we have spontaneously fallen into a samadhi, if we have been heart-moved by a mystic poem, or if we have met a friend or guru who has pointed out to us the beauty that is given, we respond via this refined, anciently given technology of Reality Embrace. Yoga links the mind to its source — the heart — ending the the mind’s identification with anything less than or more than Reality Itself.

Lighten the load. Do your Yoga not as a struggle to become something that you are not, but as perfect participation in what and who you already are. | Mark Whitwell | Heart of Yoga

What you do not need to do is to re-realize, duplicate or hold on to your initial experience of realising the Truth. You do not need to get back there. You do not need to maintain any experience. You do not need to stay in bliss. You do not need to meditate.

In fact, trying to get back there only creates thought structures that steal our attention away from our life, that seem to obliterate your noticing of the sheer wonder, harmony and beauty that is always there, and your abiding and resting in that.

The only Reality is Reality Itself, the power of this cosmos that is arising through the Heart as the whole body. Specifically, the technology of Yoga works via perfect participation in the union of opposites that is how Reality is functioning.

To practice asana, with the breath as the central feature and very purpose of the posture, is to merge all opposites within your embodiment: inhalation and exhalation, above and below, left and right, front and back, inner and outer, ascending and descending, strength and receptivity, male and female, within and without.

This participation in the union of opposites reveals the source of opposites — the place where all opposites arise from and return to. This seed of opposites is known in the spiritual traditions of humanity as the heart on the right, or the hridaya. It is written that the hridaya is the seat of mind, the first cell of life that appeared when you appeared, the very core of our life, our Self.

On every inhale we receive the light. On every exhale we give to the light. We are at one with the sun. The source. Without the sun, human life on earth would cease in eight minutes. | Mark Whitwell | Heart of Yoga

Our heart is what we feel when we are inspired. Our heart is what we feel when the profound beauty, depth, and power of Reality comes into focus. Our heart is what we feel in the company of Reality Realizers who see us as we actually are.

When we are heart-moved by any experience, we respond by moving and breathing in the heart’s polarities. This is the technology of love. This is what heals the wounds of the past.

All over the world there is deep trouble in feeling isolated and lonely. People urgently need to be told that they are the power of the cosmos, that they belong, that they are the beauty, and that they are in safe hands in this universe.

People need to know that their life does not have to be authenticated by any process, or any spiritual standard, or any criteria whatsoever. Our birthright is to be intimate with the existing-ness in which we find ourselves. Yoga is only participation in that.

“You are in safe hands in this universe” | Mark Whitwell | Film by Audrey Billups

*Join me in the heart of yoga online studio and learn the Yoga that is right for you: your perfect participation in the power that is Life Itself.



Mark Whitwell

Mark Whitwell has worked as a Yoga teacher around the world for the last 45 years and is the author of 4 books on Yoga. He lives in Fiji with his wife Rosalind.