Vedanta and Tantra are One

Mark Whitwell
3 min readOct 12, 2020



God and Sex: Now We Get Both

In Life as it actually is, female male collaboration is established in perfect union, harmony, intelligence and beauty… equals and opposites where one empowers the other continuously. (in same sex, self sex, or opposite sex intimacy, and all gender identifications or none)

It is nurturing force of all life springing forth as regeneration and continuity. The cause of the pandemics is the human imagined separation from our own reality. This mass dissociation from nature, and male from feminine is the cause. The male female dysfunction is itself a pandemic.

Namagiriama and Krishnamacharya

The teaching and demonstration of these people is the perfect merging of Vedanta and the Tantras as one way. Not different. This was their anciently given culture from the 10th C onward.

The Tantra is the realization that the opposites are one. One does not exist and cannot exist without the other. There is no left without the right etc. he and she are not different. One empowers the other in endless union. The Tantra is not a progression of one merging with the other. They are always not different. Tantra is the practice of no difference. Or not two, which is the meaning of the word Advaita Vedanta. “A” means not, “dvait” means two. Not two. One only. The purpose of Vedanta (also Buddhism akin to Vedanta) & Tantra are the same.

So Vedanta merged with Tantra as its practical means. The Tantras flourished in the ancient world from 5 to 14th Cs adopted by Hinduism & Buddhism & all religious points of view because Yoga Tantra was useful for the realization of their cultural sublimity. For the same reason Yoga will flourish in the modern world.

Tantra has nothing to do with the neo Tantra being sold to the public, sacred sex & all that… the ideas of trying to have super sex, a form of spiritual pornography.

Namagiriama & Krishnamacharya’s cultural lineage arose from 10th C Ramanujaacharya, “yoga is needed for advait” a Rishi, a reality realizer of Veda and its late time development, Vedanta. A Rishi or seer is like a Christ, a Buddha who brings forth dharma, the way of Veda. Veda means truth or ultimate knowledge. Veda was the cultural bed that held Yoga for thousands of years as the practical means for all people to actualize or realize the message of the Rishis.


After Krishnamacharya received his Yoga education in Tibet he became 100% committed to bringing it into the world. 100% committed to women’s rights and human rights in India, to bring the liberating practices of every person’s 100% intimacy with life as it actually is, with reality actually as it is. Not two but one. Not different. One indivisible life that lives all. God and sex, now we get both.

We thank these brave pioneers who stood for human rights & the practical means to claim them.

Mark Whitwell



Mark Whitwell
Mark Whitwell

Written by Mark Whitwell

Mark Whitwell has worked as a Yoga teacher around the world for the last 45 years and is the author of 4 books on Yoga. He lives in Fiji with his wife Rosalind.